Beiträge des Autors
Nov 14 2014
N01vratarji na „trials“ v Anglijo
Od srede 15.11.2014 do ponedeljka 19.11.2014 so najboljši vratarji akademije N01 na poskusnih treningih v INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL ACADEMY – Lancashire. Pri treningih z najboljšimi trenerji akademije bodo lahkopokazali vse svoje sposobnosti in zmožnosti. Ob tem jih bodo opazovali skavti renomiranih profesionalnih klubov iz Anglije, katere bodo vratarji lahko prepričali, da so zreli za višje naloge. Takšna priložnost je nekaj izrednega in hkrati nekaj zelo lepega, saj vratarji N01 dobijo ob teh treningih dostop do vrhunskih trenerjev, ki delujejo pri klubih iz Premiere League ali pa v angleški reprezentanci. Hkrati vratarji N01 dobijo profesionalni dostop do nogometa na vrhunski ravni in na ta način smejo dihati zrak najboljših.
N01 želi vratarjem vse najboljše in mnogo veselja, lepih trenutkov in uspeha.
N01 simply the best
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Okt 13 2014
Junges Talent bei N01
Mit Kristijan K. schaffte es diesmal ein junges Talent aus Slowenien in die N01 Torwartakademie. Durch den Schulwechsel in die zweisprachige HAK-TAK in Klagenfurt fand er den Weg zur N01 Torwartakademie, wo er bei den Aufnahmetrainings überzeugen konnte. Der 15 Jährige Kristijan, der von Olimpija Ljubljana kam, konnte mit seinen Fähigkeiten durchaus überzeugen und ist nun Teil der N01 Familie.
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Okt 13 2014
V Kranju akcija za šport
Zoran Stevanovič, kandidat za župana Kranja, velik ljubitelj ter podpornik športa se je udeležil na našem treningu, kjer je spoznal naš koncept NO1 Akademije za vratarje, ter obenem pobližje spoznal kako zahtevni in profesionalni so naši treningi. Zoranu ni bilo težko oddelati treninga, saj je sam deloval v specialni enoti v policiji, zato je takšnih treningov vajen. Pohvalil pa je vse nas in bil pozitivno presenečen nad našim delovanjem in nam zaželel vse dobro za naprej tudi z njegovo podporo športu nasploh.
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Sep 12 2014
Player Goalkeeper Academy &Trial England od 21.-26.112014 v Angliji
Player Goalkeeper Academy &Trial England
Take a chalange, meet the best, train with the best, make a new friendship,… If you see yourself in this than the November Player Clinic & Trial in England is for you. We will do everything for an unforgettable and extremely effective event.
- 6 Day´s Player Clinic & Trial in England, November 19 – 24th 2014
- Because of its commitments to the organizer booking are only accepted up to 20.09.2014
What is more important than chance? In what we have to invest for our future? Who is responsible for my success? How can I become professional football player?
This are the question´s we have to ask our self. Correct answer will take you to our amazing Player Academy & Trial in England First time the team in association with our business partner´s from England Premier League organize this event „my chance“.
Show your skills , be the best you can, become professional. Booking available until 20.09.2014!!!
We will be the guests at the INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL ACADEMY – Lancashire. Why we choose them:
- one of the best academy in the UK
- run by BILLY STEWART (former Liverpool FC Academy coach / worked under Rafael Benitez)
- excellent accommodation
- modern Training Facilitiest (Brand new pitches / astro and grass)
- proximity to many professional academies (Liverpool, Manchester, Blackburn, Burnley, Bolton, Wigan,..)
Advantages of the International Player Academy & Trial England 2014:
- You will be coached by English Premier league Academy Coach (Liverpool, Everton and Bolton)
- You´ll be monitored by the Academy Scouts
- If you make a good impression they will use their contacts to get you a trial at a professional club
- You will learn new professional football skills
- You will play against academy team
- The Academy offers training, game and scouting
- Academy physical preparation coach
- Academy Goalkeeper Coach
- New International life long Friendship
Your investment in yourself include:
- 6 day / 5 full board
- International Football Academy
- Professional training from academy coach (Liverpool, Everton and Bolton)
- Professional game against academy team
- Practical session from Concept 4 Soccer International
- Certificate of attendance Academy
- Tickets to attend a Premier league game
- Attend an Academy Match (Manchester City vs Swansea**)
- Stadium tour (FC Liverpool)
- Transport throughout trip
- Fly from Ljubljana
- Bus from London to Lancashire
Payment Structure 5 Night 795.00 eur per person
- Deposit Payment Due September 20th 2014 350 eur
- Progress Payment Due Oktober 20th 2014 250 eur
- Progress Payment Due November 20th 2014 195 eur
Take decision immediately and pay an advance as the number of players are limited. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate and send us mail on: (just clic on)
* The price does not include personal insurance as well as no flight cancellation
** Selected match is the most suitable option. Organizer take the rights to choose another game
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Sep 12 2014
Trainerakademie und Torwartsichtung in England Anfield 21. bis 26.11.2014
Player Goalkeeper Academy &Trial England
Take a chalange, meet the best, train with the best, make a new friendship,… If you see yourself in this than the November Player Clinic & Trial in England is for you. We will do everything for an unforgettable and extremely effective event.
- 6 Day´s Player Clinic & Trial in England, November 19th – 24th 2014
- Because of its commitments to the organizer booking are only accepted up to 20.09.2014
What is more important than chance? In what we have to invest for our future? Who is responsible for my success? How can I become professional football player?
This are the question´s we have to ask our self. Correct answer will take you to our amazing Player Academy & Trial in England First time the team in association with our business partner´s from England Premier League organize this event „my chance“.
Show your skills , be the best you can, become professional. Booking available until 20.09.2014!!!
We will be the guests at the INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL ACADEMY – Lancashire. Why we choose them:
- one of the best academy in the UK
- run by BILLY STEWART (former Liverpool FC Academy coach / worked under Rafael Benitez)
- excellent accommodation
- modern Training Facilitiest (Brand new pitches / astro and grass)
- proximity to many professional academies (Liverpool, Manchester, Blackburn, Burnley, Bolton, Wigan,..)
Advantages of the International Player Academy & Trial England 2014:
- You will be coached by English Premier league Academy Coach (Liverpool, Everton and Bolton)
- You´ll be monitored by the Academy Scouts
- If you make a good impression they will use their contacts to get you a trial at a professional club
- You will learn new professional football skills
- You will play against academy team
- The Academy offers training, game and scouting
- Academy physical preparation coach
- Academy Goalkeeper Coach
- New International life long Friendship
Your investment in yourself include:
- 6 day / 5 full board
- International Football Academy
- Professional training from academy coach (Liverpool, Everton and Bolton)
- Professional game against academy team
- Practical session from Concept 4 Soccer International
- Certificate of attendance Academy
- Tickets to attend a Premier league game
- Attend an Academy Match (Manchester City vs Swansea**)
- Stadium tour (FC Liverpool)
- Transport throughout trip
- Fly from Ljubljana
- Bus from London to Lancashire
Payment Structure 5 Night 795.00 eur per person
- Deposit Payment Due September 20th 2014 350 eur
- Progress Payment Due Oktober 20th 2014 250 eur
- Progress Payment Due November 20th 2014 195 eur
Take decision immediately and pay an advance as the number of players are limited. If you have any further questions don’t hesitate and send us mail on: (just clic on)
* The price does not include personal insurance as well as no flight cancellation
** Selected match is the most suitable option. Organizer take the rights to choose another game
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Jun 28 2014
N01 trenira uspešno Evo Vamberger
Oglej si zanimiv trening Eve Vamberger, ki trenira v akademiji N01 pod taktirko Andreja Troha – vodja akademije za vratarje N01 v Sloveniji.
Eva je izredno nadarjena in trdo dela za njen uspeh.
Oglej si video in prepričaj se o kvaliteti akademije N01!
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Jun 15 2014
Erfolgreicher Saisonabschluss der N01 Torhüter
Die Meisterschaften sind beendet und die N01 Torhüter konnten wieder viele Erfolge feiern. Jetzt geht’s in den verdienten Urlaub und Erholung ist angesagt, denn mit der neuen Saison warten wieder neue und höhere Aufgaben auf unsere Jungs. Die N01 Torwartakademie freut sich schon auf die Vorbereitung.
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Mrz 27 2014
Ferientrainingscamp in Fažana(Cro) mit Concept 4 Soccer und N01
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Nov 17 2013
N01 beim trener-portal soccertrial mit Steve Potts (Concept 4 keepers)
Dieses Wochenende konnten die Torhüter der N01 Torwartakademie beim soccertrial in Kranj(Slowenien) ihre Fähigkeiten unter Beweis stellen. Beim zweitägigen Trainingscamp, das von (Miki Kondič) organisiert wurde, trainierten sie 2x täglich unter den Fitichen von Steve Potts, der als Torwarttrainer beim FC Liverpool tätig war und nun bei Manchester City und für Concept4keepers tätig ist. Bei den intensiven Trainingseinheiten mussten die N01 Torhüter an ihre Grenzen gehen und ihr gesamtes physisches und psychisches Potential abrufen. Das Feedback von Steve Potts nach den interessanten Trainingseinheiten zeigt deutlich, dass die N01 Torwartakademie (Österreich und Slowenien) auf dem absolut richtigen Weg ist und dass die Torhüter bei ihm durch ihre technischen Fähigkeiten deutliche Spuren der Begeisterung hinterließen. Die Belohnung für die Torhüter folgte prompt. Die Besten erhielten eine Einladung nach England zu einer weiteren Trainingssichtung im kommenden Jahr. Dort dürfen die besten der N01 Torwartakademie vor etlichen Scouts erneut beweisen, dass sie die Philosophie der N01 Torwartakademie schon verinnerlicht haben, nähmlich: „Torwart bei einem Spitzenklub zu werden und nicht nur davon zu träumen.“
Die N01 Torwartakademie gratuliert herzlich und ist gleichzeitig stolz auf euch N01`s.
N01 simply the best
Im Bild: stehend von links: Steve Potts, Miki Kondič, Stuart Monk, Andrej Troha (N01 Slovenija), Mag. Janko Smrečnik (Leiter N01Torwartakademie); hockend von links: Pök, Nečemer, Aichbichler;
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Nov 16 2013
Sreve Potts (Concept4keepers) si je ogledal vratarje N01
N01 omogiči mladim vratarjem dostop do vrhunskih trenerjev najboljših klubov tega sveta. Na soccer trialu v Kranju, so tokrat mladi vratarji akademije N01 lahko pokazali svoje sposobnosti izrednemu Stevu Pottsu, ki je bil trener vratarjev Fc Liverpoolu in je sedaj trener pri C4keepers ter senior scout pri vrhunskem Manchester Cityju. Pri dvodnevnem trial-u naših partnerjev C4Soccer in Mikiju Kondiču (trener – so fantje lahko pokazali kaj znajo in tako zapustili pri trenerjih svoje vtise. Dokazali so, da so vsi na pravi poti, in da se intenziven in reden individualni trening že obrestuje. Sledovi nekaterih fantov so bili posebej globoki, saj se je Steve Potts odločil, da jih bo nekaj povabil na poizkus v Anglijo. V pogovoru z njim je akademija N01 dobila potrjeno, da je delo akademije vrhunsko in da smo na čisto pravi poti. V prihodnjem letu bodo fantje lahko pokazali svoje znanje vrhunskim scoutom in dokazali, da so vsrkali filozofijo akademije N01:“ postati hočem prava N01 in ne samo sanjati o tem.“
N01 čestita vsem mladim vratarjem in se že veseli novih internacionalnih izzivov. N01 simply the best.
(v sliki stoje od l.:: Steve Potts (C4Keepers), Miki Kondič, Stuart Monk direktor Concept4Soccer international, Mihi, Thomas, Andrej Troha N01 Slovenija, Mag. Janko Smrečnik vodja N01; spredaj levo: Kristijan, Phillip, Klemen).
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